New Player Guide

Dislyte Progression Guide – Work in Progress

Target Audience:

The purpose of this guide is to create a roadmap for how to efficiently progress through the early stages of Dislyte.  I assume that the reader has a reasonable amount of familiarity with turn based gacha games like Summoner’s War/Epic 7.  As such, I will not spend much time covering basic game mechanics such as 

Early Game:

Tutorial and Story Stages 1-2 to 1-8:

1. Play through the tutorial.  You start with two 3 star units:

Brynn – Single Target DPS – Buffer

Skill 2: ATK up buff to all units 

Skill 3: Strong single target nuke can apply freeze and Def Down.

Drew – Single Target DPS – Debuffer

Skill 2: Single Target defense break debuff

Skill 3: Strong single target nuke.  Will hit an additional unit if it kills the primary target.

None of the initial stages are particularly challenging so you can spam skills however you like.

2. Pull Mona from the Gacha.  

Mona is a 4* AOE DPS that provides a 24% ATK boost to your team when she’s in the leader slot.  Mona is very strong and can carry you through end game PvE content.

3. Continue to clear story stages up to 1-8.  All the fights should be pretty easy up to this point.

4. 1-8 is the boss stage and is dramatically harder than the previous stages.  Equip a full set of attack up (Wrath of Jupiter) relics on Mona and equip any left over relics on your other Espers.  With relics equipped, the boss fight should be pretty trivial.

Story Stages 2-1 to 2-8:

1. After clearing 1-8 you will unlock a new Esper, Q. 

Q – Debuffer/Support
Skill 2: AoE ATK down
Skill 3: Damage amplification for two units.

The game will walk you through upgrading him and adding him to your squad.  Start 2-1 and make sure to turn on 2x speed. 

2.  After 2-1 you receive another Gacha roll which is guaranteed to give you Helena.

Helena – Healer/Support
Skill 2: Single target AP down
Skill 3: AOE Heal

The game will add Helena to your squad.  Continue to clear story stages until you clear 2-5.  2-5 is slightly more challenging than the previous stages so equip any new relics you have prior to attempting this stage.  By this point, I had two full sets of relics which I equipped on Mona and Brynn.  Upgrading relics right now is not necessary.  We want to save gold for upgrading better relics later on since 2 star relics scale very poorly.  

2.  After 2-5, we unlock the Kronos Ritual Battle but we’ll ignore it for now and continue clearing stages.  Kronos will be our primary source of relics and gold which are core components of our progression.  We will spend a lot of time farming Kronos moving forward but we need to be able to clear at least Stage 3.  This is because Stage 3 Kronos will drop 4 star relics fairly reliably and 4 star relics provide significantly more stats than 3 star relics.

3. 2-8 is slightly harder than the previous stages but should still be doable without any rune upgrades.  If you run into any problems, try saving your cooldowns for the boss wave.

Story Stages 3-1 to 3-8:

1. After clearing 2-8 you will receive a full set of 4 star Wrath of Jupiter relics.  These relics are very strong and can easily carry you through mid-game.  Upgrade UNA I, III and IV to +6 and equip them onto Mona.  Equip Mona’s old Wrath of Jupiter set on Brynn.

2. The game’s tutorial will direct you to Point War at this point.  Point War is Dislyte’s PvP mode.  Real teams will probably destroy you right now but there should be quite a few 1 unit dummy defenses you can hit for PvP points.  Try to use up your 10 entries on these dummy defenses.  Auto battle has also been unlocked so you can toggle that on when you enter the fight.

3. Continue to push through Chapter 3 Story Mode.  With the upgrades to the Wrath of Jupiter set on Mona it should be pretty easy even on auto.

Story Stages 4-1 to 4-8:

1. Clearing 3-8 will unlock Cube Miracle and Brynn will get a free boost to lvl 30 and 4 Star.  I was able to clear this right away without any additional farming with Sanders and Ares as assist units but YMMV.  

2. Bounties will now also be unlocked.  If you don’t see any Epic/Legendary options after your free refresh, it might be worth doing a couple more refreshes (if you feel like gambling) since the rewards can be very good. I would recommend picking the following bounties in descending order:

  1. Legendary – 200 Gems
  2. Legendary – 1 Gold Record
  3. Legendary – 4 Star Skill Up (this could be higher or lower depending on your units)
  4. Epic – 120,000 Gold (this is equivalent to 120 gems if you buy gold records from Shop)
  5. Epic – 100 Gems
  6. 4 Star Divina
  7. Rare – 60,000 Gold (this is equivalent to 50 gems if you buy gold records from Shop)
  8. Rare – 10 Silver Discs (you can prioritize this more if you need fodder)
  9. Rare – 50 Gems
  10. Epic – 3 Star Spirimon
  11. 90 Energy
  12. Common – 30 Gems
  13. Common – 30,000 Gold
  14. Common – 5 Silver Discs (you can prioritize this more if you need fodder)
  15. 50 Energy

3. Kronos 3 is a good place to stop and farm if you get stuck on story stages.  Compared to EXP Stages we get:

  1. 1,040 Exp/Stamina vs 1320/1464/1608 Exp/Stamina (3-9/4-9 Exp Stage)
  2. ~500 Gold/Stamina vs 420/430/440 Gold/Stamina (3-9/4-9 Exp Stage)

We lose a little bit of Exp efficiency but we have a chance to upgrade our team significantly by outfitting everyone with basic relic sets.  Specifically, we’re looking for:

  1. 2+ sets of Swift relics for our support units.
  2. 2+ sets of Wrath of Juptier (ATK %) relics for our DPS units.
  3. 2+ sets of Adamantite relics for any unit.
  4. Any +SPD relics.
  5. 4 Star ATK %/C. Rate % relics for our DPS 
  6. HP% relics for our support units.

Gold will still be pretty scarce at this point.  Prioritize upgrading the following relics to +6  :

  1. 4 Star ATK %/C Rate % relics for DPS
  2. 4 Star Flat HP/Def Relics in slots 2 and 3 to improve survivability

4. After a little bit of farming, you should be able to move up to farming Kronos 4.  On my account this happened when:

  1. My Mona hit level 30
  2. I had 4 piece speed sets on Eros and Chang Pu
  3. I upgraded Flat HP and Flat Def sets to +6 for each unit

Kronos 4 will give you slightly better Exp/Stamina stays and significantly better Gold/Stamina and relic drops will improve.  Once your core team has hit the max level, make sure you bring in at least one fodder unit to soak up exp on your runs.

5. Cleared Story Stage up to 5-8.  Hit first roadblock here.  Went back to farm Kronos/Fodder.

6. Ran Kronos 4 with fodder until Mona and Leon were level 40.  Swapped to Ascension farm with fodder.  Upgraded all units to Ascension 3 and now almost have enough fodder to 5* Mona.